Does anyone know of a jazz combo or group who recorded music from a traditional New Orleans funeral procession
2007-05-17 20:59:15 UTC
Does anyone know of a jazz combo or group who recorded music from a traditional New Orleans funeral procession
Three answers:
Bunky the Clown
2007-05-18 04:25:18 UTC
I'd check the Preservation Hall Jazz Band.
2007-05-18 16:17:07 UTC
The Dirty Dozen Brass Band have an excellent full CD called Funeral for a Friend. Check out for more info (the CD I mentioned is under the Store link)
2007-05-17 21:50:08 UTC
samuel dent was a new orleans musician whose music was recorded by some white fellas in the 70s,,,got the album on vinyl somewhere,,house is torn up during painting,& can't find,,,,nice stereo recording,,,,was studio recorded,,,,,,not of an actual event

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