Whas Todd Rundgren is played on the commercials?
2007-05-13 20:30:49 UTC
I always here one of his songs on commercials, Ive been hearing it more often now, its more of a lively song, though I don't know which one it is, does anyone know anything about this?
Four answers:
2007-05-15 22:12:55 UTC
band the drum is used alot for things like the other person noted however I've hear "i saw the light" a few times too. It's more up tempo than Hello it's me and not so circusy as bang the drum.
2007-05-16 19:23:27 UTC
It was probably "Hello It's Me". If that's the only Rundgren song you've ever heard then it's not to hard to understand that you thought of him as a Jazz musician. Not!
2007-05-14 11:48:55 UTC
Possibly "Bang the Drum All Day".

Thanks for posting this in the JAZZ section.
2007-05-14 16:52:38 UTC
"Hello, its me"

The Isley's do a nice cover of this song also.

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