What is the key signature of "So What" by Miles Davis?
Jesse B
2007-05-13 17:33:26 UTC
I can't figure this one out either! Any ideas bout this or even the chord changes for soloing??? Much appreciated!
Four answers:
2007-05-13 18:18:49 UTC
The tune starts in the D dorian mode, so there are no sharps or flats -- in others words, it uses the notes of the C major scale but starting on D (like D minor with a B natural instead of a B flat). Then after 8 bars it moves up to E flat dorian -- five flats -- for 4 bars, and then back down to D dorian for another 4 bars. That pattern repeats throughout. For the solos, you're basically soloing over a d minor seventh chord and then an E flat minor seventh. Again, the dorian mode works best.

(By the way -- the chords are actually made up of a stack of fourths instead of the usual stack of thirds, but all of the notes are from the dorian scale.)
2007-05-13 19:03:59 UTC
the version in "The Real Book" is in the key of D minor or A minor, not sure, but the key signature is C. The piece is built around transitions between E-7(+4) and D-7(+4) and shifts up a 1/2 step. The solos are done over D-7 and Eb-7 chords
2007-05-13 22:20:26 UTC
Key signature (no flats no sharps)

Chord changes:

16 bars of Dmi next 8 bars of E flat mi back to 8 bars of Dmi.

AABA form

the song is in dorian mode.

You should buy a jazz fake book, they are really helpful.
2007-05-13 17:59:23 UTC
It's in 4/4. Now as for the rest, here's a page by Steve Khan. He answers your questions. Khan definitely know's what he's talking about. He's a serious pro.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.