What is the best book/method for learning the theoretical aspects of Jazz improvisation for trumpet?
2007-05-12 06:02:15 UTC
I am a realatively competant trumpet player who has developed a unique style but I have not had much training in traditional jazz improv (playing changes, scale choices, substitutions). As I am too broke for lessons, I am wondering what the best book or online method for learning this on my own would be.
Three answers:
2007-05-12 15:06:13 UTC
As already mentioned, the Aebersold books/cds are a great tool for developing improvisation chops on any instrument. A good supplement though, at least from a theory perspective, is Mark Levine's "The Jazz Theory Book." However, nothing is a substitute for learning your scales inside and out - you would be amazed at how much your ears open up just from scale/apreggio work.
2016-03-19 07:48:10 UTC
Look up Jamey Abersold. He has a series of books with CDs to learn improv. Get a B-flat book and you'll be on your way.
Aaron C
2007-05-12 09:21:14 UTC
jamie aebersold, he plays sax, but his books are incredibly easy to follow, i play trumpet too

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