Anyone like Bix Beiderbecke?
2007-05-25 13:43:06 UTC
I do,does anyone else?
Four answers:
2007-05-25 19:41:44 UTC
Poor Bix was a tortured soul! His life was so short and tragic.

His most famous solos with Frankie Trumbauer's band, "Singin' the Blues," "I'm Comin' Virginia," and "Way Down Yonder in New Orleans" are immortal, along with his brilliant chorus on "Sweet Sue".

Bix was a victim of alcohol at a time (prohibition) when alcohol was often unrefined and poisonous. He died at age 28 and was a social pariah at the time. Like so many other inspired great musicians...
2007-05-26 06:22:59 UTC
An extremely gifted & beautiful trumpet player, it's just a shame his life ended so prematurely
2007-05-25 21:43:48 UTC
I'm glad he was around but I don't get much enjoyment from the music. Maybe if the recordings were better quality, I could possibly like it.
2007-05-26 06:24:23 UTC
Of coarse! He's very distintive!

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